10 Questions with PLON member Sarah Howell
First, tell us about yourself.
I grew up in St. Louis, MO, and moved to Las Vegas in Oct. 2018 with my husband, Jerel, and our dog, Kingsley. Besides playing draw poker as a kid and being extremely competitive in all card games growing up, I started playing Texas Hold’em in the spring of 2003 as a way to stay occupied after a breakup and spend time with my two brothers. It just so happened that my older brother had a work friend who had been playing mid-stakes limit hold’em for years and was happy to teach us. I got a copy of Lee Jones’ Winning Low-Limit Hold’em and saved up $100 to go play in the “big” $3-$6 limit game at the local casino. I lost that $100 and had to wait another month before I could play again, but I was hooked. Also, poker blew up that summer because of you-know-who winning the WSOP Main Event, so there was no shortage of low-stakes home games in basements and garages for the next few years. I hosted a .30-.60 limit home game with the same group of guys nearly every week until we moved.
I have always tried to improve my poker skills through study, even though my playing was sporadic many years due to health issues. Joining PLON last year and starting to play online was immensely helpful for my game, and I have become a much better player since the pandemic. I’m very excited about getting back out to the live games in Las Vegas this summer.
1. What is your overall poker strategy?
Old-school tight aggressive is what comes most naturally to me. I try to change it up frequently so I’m not too exploitable.
2. What is you favorite poker game and why?
I guess NLHE is my favorite since it’s what I play and know the most. It’s the most popular for good reasons. But outside of hold’em, I do really love limit Omaha Hi/Lo cash games. They appeal to my nittiness and dislike of variance.
3. What is your favorite “junk” hand and why?
I wish I had a cool story about winning a huge pot cracking somebody’s aces with a lucky junk hand, but it’s just not my style.
4. What lesson did you learn from one of your recent tournaments?
I play best when I can enter a tournament truly feeling like the result does not matter. If I can sit down with a feeling of gratitude for being able to play this game regardless of the outcome, I feel much more free to take risks in spots where I know it’s the correct play.
5. What are your poker goals for the year?
For the remainder of this year, my poker goal is to have as much fun as possible and enjoy every moment.
6. What do you think is the biggest advantage that women have at the poker table?
Emotional self-awareness is a big part of a good poker mindset and I think that tends to be easier for women.

7. What has been the highlight of your poker experience?
The PLON weekend at Southpoint! First of all, getting to hang out with all my new PLON friends in person! Then getting to play live poker for the first time since the pandemic! And then I make 2 final tables!?! It was a perfect weekend and I loved every minute.
8. When I’m running bad, I …..
Slow things down and take a break. I try to spend some time outdoors and doing other things that I love. I reconnect with myself and try to go back to the game with a feeling of a fresh start.
9. Where is your favorite place to play poker and why?
Pre-pandemic it was Caesars because of the great dealers and drunk tourists. Now, I guess it’s my kitchen because I have all the snacks I like and free parking.
10. Please pick four people to play at your dream final table, and why would you choose them?
Edward Norton, Matt Damon, John Malkovich, and John Turturro. Can you imagine?!? Not only would it be the coolest game ever, but I think I would stand some chance of winning!
Who’s your pick to be the next to answer 10 Questions with PLON?
PLON Ambassador Janie Maddox