10 Questions with Emily Chen
1. Please tell us a little about yourself, including how you got started in poker.
I live in Seattle with my partner Nick and his ever-growing plant collection. I studied Business at the University of Washington but over time my love for computers brought me to my current career as a software engineer. One of my earliest memories is of my first time using a computer when I was in first grade but I didn’t make it a career until I attended a coding boot camp about 25 years later!
My parents raised me with cooperative games like “Save the Whales” and “A Chicken in Every Coop” but I’ve always had a competitive streak. I regularly play all kinds of video games, strategy board games, D&D, and card games. I love quirky games like Dicey Dungeons and Papers, Please. My love for games got me in trouble when I was a kid because my friends could tell I was more interested in their Nintendos than playing with them.
Like so many others, my first introduction to Hold’Em was through the Travel Channel. I had no idea where to play live poker but I watched the game on TV constantly. Once or twice a year I would be invited to play with the friends of my boyfriend at the time and I typically did well. Around 2008, I started joining a weekly game through a guy I met on OkCupid. That’s when I was able to become more serious about the game and started reading books.
2. Tell us about your game selection when
you play?
I only play Hold’em for money, but I do enjoy 7 Card Stud and Omaha. Studying Hold’em is enough work by itself!

3. Do you have a significant poker event or moment that stands out for you that you played or would like to
I won first place in game one of the Irv’s Spring Splash tournament series benefitting the CHEST foundation! Irv’s was also where I first crossed paths with Lena since she was always a strong contender.
4. How has your involvement in PLON helped your game or benefitted your poker life?
To me, the greatest perk is being surrounded by so many women who love poker! Everyone is so friendly and helpful and just playing in such supportive environments has really helped my confidence.

5. Who is someone you admire in the poker field and who do you consider a poker mentor?
Jennifer Shahade is really cool, I wish I had her chess skills and a podcast!
6. What do you enjoy doing outside of playing poker?
I love international solo travel. I find that I’m much more likely to meet new people and go out of my comfort zone when I’m doing my own thing. I also enjoy private room karaoke, reading, and rooting for women’s sports teams like the Seattle Reign and Seattle Storm.

7. One thing most people don’t know about me is….
My family was featured in a documentary called “Escape from Affluenza” when I was a teenager. It was aired internationally and on PBS, and I was once recognized by a flight attendant!
8. How do you study and continue to grow your poker game?
I mostly read blog posts and books. I have no patience for watching videos so it can be a bit frustrating how much content is on Twitch or Youtube these days!

9. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you like to go?
There aren’t many places I wouldn’t like to visit. If I could fly first class I’d probably choose Australia.
10. What is your vision for yourself in 5 to 10 years from now in poker?
I’ve mostly played for small stakes so I really need to get past my fear of larger buy-ins. My first whirlwind of a WSOP trip didn’t go nearly as well as I’d hoped, so I need to keep at it and work through my fears.