Everything went just right for Carolyn Grad as she powered her way through a field of 24 Poker League of Nations members November 3 at ARIA in Las Vegas to win a $10,000 seat in the first event of the 2019 Poker Masters series.
Grad came to Las Vegas from Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, for the PLONpower Investment Group’s staking satellite, whose goal is to put more women into high-profile open events.
“The satellite was incredible for me,” Grad said. “You could say all my prayers were answered.
“I got cards, and after I had a good-size chip stack, I was able to be aggressive.”
PLONpower investors combined $50 shares to fund 14 players into the $550 November 3 satellite at ARIA Resort & Casino, with the winner getting the $10,000 seat. High-stakes regular Lauren Roberts pledged $1,100 to fund two seats, and an anonymous investor pledged $5,000 to stake nine women. Roberts and the anonymous investor also pledged back any stake earnings to PLON for future investments.
Each of the 14 staked PLON players was required to buy at least one $50 share and to submit an application to PLONpower. Some PLON members bought their own way into the $550 satellite and one re-entered, bringing the field to 24 entries.
“Poker culture has a tradition of players backing/teaching others w/potential,” Roberts wrote on Twitter. “Women typically have not had access to these groups. About time to change it up! Props to @LenaEvans88 and @PokrLeagNations for running the satty to put more women in the #PokerMasters $10k. Glgl all!”

Campbell set up the satellite to mimic the Poker Masters format so the winner would feel more comfortable in her high-roller surroundings. Play included a shot clock with five 30-second time extensions.
“The satellite was my first experience with a shot clock,” Grad said. “At first, it was very distracting as I was in seat 5 and the dealer’s movement with every player took my attention. After a while I was able to ignore it, so that helped better prepare me for the Poker Masters Event.
“Paul Campbell really impressed me with how supportive he was of PLON. He treated us with the utmost respect and managed the tournament excellently.”
Other satellite players were also impressed and thankful for being chosen as one of the 14 staked players.

“This was a great event,” said Karissa Pomerleau of Las Vegas, who finished second. “It was a wonderful opportunity for someone like me who doesn’t have the large bankroll to be able to participate in bigger stake opportunities.”
“The event was fantastic. What an incredible chance for a shot at an amazing seat,” said staking recipient Lisa Luposello Pickell of Las Vegas. “Being part of investing and sharing in a stake of any winner is a bonus. The structure was fantastic for a satellite.”
Sue Rosen Soto of Las Vegas, who finished third in the satellite, agreed. “Being sponsored and playing the satellite was absolutely amazing!” Soto said. “I loved the tour of the PokerGO studio. It was so cool to go behind the scenes and see how things are done!
“Most of all, the tournament was a lot of fun! I loved meeting all the women in the group, they were all nice, and great players as well. I hope they do more of these in the future — I am in!”
“It was a great success if the goal was to get an opportunity to get into a high buy-in event,” said player Joan Destino, who finished fifth. “I especially enjoyed touring the studio, meeting the other participants and the kindness and attention of Lena.”
Despite her long trip from Canada to Las Vegas, Grad was primed and ready for the satellite.
“I tried to get a good night’s sleep,” Grad said. “I checked out all the other sponsored women on Hendon Mob.”
“As a former teacher, I believe in education. I have taken four WPT Boot Camps, sessions with Phil Helmuth, Annie Duke, Marsha Wolak, Doug Polk, and more. I have an extensive poker library and spend time reading books and blogs. So, I have been preparing for this for over 10 years.
“Mentally, I pray. Some people have said that God doesn’t concern himself with poker, but I ask for Him to allow me to use the wisdom, experience, and knowledge that I have acquired well. I pray for focus and endurance, and I don’t think it hurts to ask for playable cards that hit the flop!”
The final four players vying for the $10,000 seat were Grad, Pomerleau, Soto and Daris Justice.
Grad’s AK suited knocked out Justice with A8. Shortly after, Pomerleau knocked out Soto and Grad and Pomerleau were heads up.
“I kept up the aggression,” Grad said. “On the final hand, I set a trap with Ace-King suited, and it worked. She went all in and my hand held up.”
The very next day was the $10,000 NLHE Poker Masters Event at the PokerGO Studio. Among the eventual 97 entries were Scott Blumstein, Alex Foxen, Stephen Chidwick, last year’s winner Lauren Roberts, Yuri Dzivielevski, Ali Imsirovic and Cary Katz.
“Saying I was psyched is an understatement. It blew my mind really,” Grad said. “This was a dream come true. And, yes, I was nervous.”
Grad’s hot streak from the satellite didn’t continue in the high roller event.
“We started with 100K in chips, blinds 500/1000/1000 and only five-handed so blinds came around fast,” she said. “The first hand I looked down at 88 and raised 2.5x, but with two callers and three cards higher on the flop, I was forced to fold. This happened a second time with 99.
She won a 16K pot in the second level with AA but then lost a big pot with two pair when an aggressive pro hit his flush.
“My big hands brought small flops, and I couldn’t hit the board. I just wasn’t able to get any momentum. My final hand I was all in with AJ suited against 10-10 and no luck. The tens held up.
“I sincerely appreciate the PLONpower Investment Group for putting their hope in me. Thank you for your support,” Grad said. “I only wish I could have had different results.”
Grad was one of just four women in a field of 97.
“This event perfectly demonstrates the need to get more women in open events and especially into high stake events,” said Lena Evans. “That’s the goal of Poker League of Nations and the PLONpower Investment Group.”
Before the tournament, Campbell said ARIA and PokerGO share that goal. If the PLON tournament hit about 25 players, he would consider the event a success and a model for future targeted satellites.
“I can see this format becoming a staple for many events,” Campbell said.
“This staking event was our largest effort yet, and I was thrilled we were able to stake 14 women into the $550 satellite and send Carolyn to the $10,000 Poker Masters tournament,” Evans said.
“This was a big success for PLONpower, and I hope the first of many collaborations with ARIA, PokerGO and Poker Central.”