Poker League of Nations Season 4, 2019 Updates!
Welcome to the Poker League of Nations Latest Updates for Home Game Season 4 Hosted in the PokerStars Club Lobby!
We are excited to announce the official end date of this season’s league play. We award points using the PokerStars points formula which is calculated according to how many players we have in the field. The formula ensures there will be no ties and no need for a tie breaker.
Here is the Official Season 4, 2019 Schedule:
Game 1 – 10.08.2019
Game 2 – 10.13.2019
Game 3 – 10.15.2019
Game 4 – 10.20.2019
Game 5 – 10.22.2019
Game 6 – 10.27.2019
Game 7 – 10.29.2019
Game 8 – 11.03.2019
Game 9 – 11.05.2019
Game 10 – 11.10.2019
Game 11 – 11.12.2019
Game 12 – 11.17.2019
Game 13 – 11.19.2019
Game 14 – 11.24.2019
Game 15 – 11.26.2019
Game 16 – 12.1.2019
Game 17 – 12.3.2019
Game 18 – 12.8.2019
Game 19 – 12.10.2019
Game 20 – 12.15.2019
Game 21 – 12.17.2019
The last game of the season will be held on Tuesday, December 17, 2019! Just in time for everyone to Have a Merry Christmas!
As of this writing, we have 10 games to go! So, jump right in , the water is warm!
If you would like to join our Home Game Club, click HERE to become a member. Tell them this blog sent you, and then go to the Announcements section for the Club ID and the Invitation Code. Please be mindful, this is a women’s event.
We also have a quick video you can watch on How to Join our Home Game Club by clicking here.
Now, let’s talk about who is leading on the leader board, and who is currently trailing the leader.
As you can see, in the screenshot of our current standings (pictured above), we have 6Peez aka Arlene Shasteen-Harper, (pictured below) at the top of the leader board with 18.62 points!

And, trailing right behind Arlene, we have PokerKarma96, aka Kim Lepa (pictured below) at her heels with 18.56 points! There is less than a tenth of a point spread between them!
Only .06 points away from each other! This is amazing and very exciting!

Congratulations to all the Ladies! Very Well done!
If you would like to join in the fun and play, you must be a member of Poker League of Nations: The World’s Largest and Most Internationally Represented Women’s Poker Group. When you apply to join our club, it is required to give us your real name as it appears in our private group on Facebook.
Thank You!

Also, want to give a big Thank you to the Home Game team for all of the hard work in managing the Home Games.
And, welcome all of our new members, almost 6000!
As well as welcome all new team members!
Thank you for helping us make this all possible!
If you would like the opportunity to make new friends, find opportunities for staking in larger open field tournaments, online and poker education, as well as gain a family and some experience, please send us an email at: