PLON20 Questions for Ambassador Mila Monroe of Germany
Welcome to our new Poker League of Nations blog feature: PLON20 Questions for notable women poker players. We recently interviewed Mila Monroe, PLON Ambassador from Germany, and we’re thrilled to have her as our first guest.
Hello, my name is Mila Monroe. I’m 36 years old and I live in the south of Germany near Stuttgart with my boyfriend Carmelo. I’m a poker player, world traveler, cosmopolite and podcaster in a wheelchair.
After an accident in 2013, my hobby poker turned into my passion. I would say that poker brought me back to life. I’ve played poker around the world, but my biggest poker highlight so far was to play against Daniel Negreanu, Charlie Carrel, Kevin Hart, Liv Boeree and Faraz Jaka in Monte Carlo.
Today, I proudly represent poker as an ambassador of the Poker League of Nations. I support “Twitch Streamer” and “PokerStars Online Pro” Felix Schneiders and the German poker community. Together with some friends, I founded a poker teaching class for women.
Thanks for this invitation, I’m honored to be your first guest.
Q: Do you prefer live or online poker?
Mila: I love the comfortable part of online poker. But I definitely prefer having nine different personalities sitting together at one table in a nice casino atmosphere.
Q; What’s your favorite tournament if money is no object?
Mila: Playing and doing something good at the same time. Three weeks ago my friend Olaf Dohn and his poker club “Allgäuer Poker Club” organized a big poker charity event. About 120 friends from all over Germany played poker for charity. At the end of the day, we donated over 5,500 Euros to a foundation for children with cancer, and we all had a wonderful time with great conversations.
Q: Favorite casino for poker?
Mila: At the moment, my favorite casino for poker is the Concord Card Casino in Braunau, Austria. My friend Stevie Pollak has taken over the management, and he does a great job. Every tournament has its own highlights with special meals, friendly tournament structures and freerolls. Stevie has amazing and revolutionary ideas. One thing I really liked and want to share with you, is the fact that you can buy “dealer dollars” and tip the dealer during the tournament. Oh, and Salzburg is just one hour away if you are also interested in some sightseeing.
Q: What is your live poker philosophy?
Mila: “At gambling the deadly sin is to mistake bad play for bad luck” (Ian Fleming/Casino Royal). Be grateful, enjoy your time at the table and realize that poker is an adoption of decisions not an adoption of results.
Q: How about your online poker philosophy?
Mila: “Five times to learn, a lifetime to master.” You can only get better in poker when you review your game, and online poker is a fantastic opportunity for this. Before you can expect to start winning money with online poker, you have to make sure that you can beat levels from low stacks to high stacks. Software like Holdem Manager or PokerTracker can help you. You can also “boom” your hands on PokerStars. If you are not sure about your decisions, you can share them with others, maybe better players or in our Poker League of Nations Facebook group.
Q: What’s your top tip for tournament players?
Mila: Tournament poker is about surviving. So, try to be focused until the last second of the tournament. Drink enough, please no alcohol (or at least not much), eat healthy, observe your opponent and don’t forget that “chips change value.” Always make sure to know how many big blinds you have.
Q: Top tip for cash games?
Mila: If you don’t know after half an hour of playing poker who is the fish on the table, you are the fish. Before you sit on a cash game table, watch your opponents and how much money there is on the table. If you’re not short-stacked confirmed, always buy-in with 100 big blinds or more.
Q: Top tip for online play?
Mila: When you play an online tournament, be aware that you might be sitting there for 3 to 5 hours or longer. If you play for money, don’t do other things like play other games or watch Netflix. Just focus on your poker game with only maybe some music in the background.
Q: What’s your physical and mental regimen for poker?
Mila: Plan your session right and make a schedule of what you want to play and how long. As mentioned previously, stay hydrated and eat healthy. This will help you to stay concentrated even during long sessions.
Q: What’s your most memorable hand recently?
Mila: Not recently but memorable — I was short stacked at the Cash Challenge presented by PokerStars in Monte Carlo. Daniel Negreanu was sitting to my left. I think I was on the cut-off, someone to my right opened three big blinds. I had DEUCES, but I also saw from the corner of my eye that Daniel’s hand moved to his chips. So, I folded because I was too scared. Flop comes ACE, something, and of course, DEUCE. That was my chance against Daniel Negreanu. Later he showed his ACE. It was very painful, but what I learned for life was: You will regret the things you didn’t do rather than the things you actually did.
Q: What’s your bluffing percentage? Is that working well?
Mila: Oh, yes, I love to 3-bet bluff in later positions preflop, and it often works when players don’t know me well. One bluff didn’t work out as well, and it was against Kevin Hart. You can watch the video below.
Q: If I could never play poker again, I would….
Mila: …have my own philosophy podcast about the meaning of life, poker and current hot topics. Oh wait, I do have my own podcast on these topics, but it is in German. Maybe we should make an English version and interview the beautiful ladies of the Poker League of Nations. What do you think about that?
Q: How much time do you spend studying poker?
Mila: Studying together is more fun. Half a year ago my friends Laura, Manuela, Alex and I founded a poker teaching class for women. We meet up on Skype every Wednesday from 6:15 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. to review our games, learn some strategies or just study some ranges together. Sometimes we have male guests, but they have to bring value to us. Women can join us for free.
Q: Who’s your favorite player to watch?
Mila: My mentor and friend Natalie Hof Ramos. After we first met in Barcelona she has always inspired me in so many aspects of life, not just in poker. Make sure to follow this beautiful woman on Instagram.
Q: Favorite junk hand?
Mila: Favorite? So difficult to say. For beginners: Don’t play junk hands. Later you will learn to play your opponent, your stack and your position — not just your cards. Every junk hand in position can have playability after the flop.
Q: Most dreaded hand?
Mila: KINGS. Imagine you sit at the table for hours with 35 big blinds and you get KINGS. The opponent to your right opens two big blinds, one caller and you decide to 3-bet in late position to seven big blinds and one opponent calls. Flop comes ACE, NINE, TEN (rainbow). Opponent bets 10 big blinds out of position. There are some ACES and maybe one SET in his range. What would you do?
Q: Favorite past time outside poker?
Mila: I love both traveling and playing poker around the world. Also staying at home and spending time with my lovely boyfriend, friends and family. I love when my boyfriend cooks up delicious Italian food for us. I try to paint, but I can’t draw. I love arts, music and philosophy. Yes, I have to do sports, but I can certainly do even more. At the moment, I focus on becoming a better swimmer because it improves your health in so many ways.
Q: When I’m running bad, I…
Mila: … lean back for a moment, breathe and remember that my short-term results do not matter. Poker is a long-term results game. I stop complaining and try to record the situation, so that afterward, my poker coach and I can find out what my leaks are and what to improve next time.
Q: Where are you playing this week?
Mila: Usually I play at last one session a week. But not this week. I have to go to the hospital for 2-3 weeks for an operation on my bladder. But after that, I will be back for sure. Hope to see you ladies at the table of the Poker League of Nations online home game on PokerStars.
Q: What’s your question for our next guest?
Mila: What’s your best weapon against male opponents during live poker?
Thank you, Mila, for taking the time to let us get to know you better. Hope you recover quickly and are back on the tables soon.

- Join Poker League of Nations: World’s largest women’s poker group for free access to exclusive perks, offers and events here
- Follow Poker League of Nations on Facebook.
- The PLONpower Investment Group, is a vehicle for backers who wish to invest in helping #MoreWomen play open events, including main events of various series, WSOP Circuit Main Events, and the WSOP Main Event.